
Editorial Message

Nkumba University launched this First Issue of the First Volume of a new international journal on 16th July 2021. It has been baptized “Nkumba International Research Journal” and it is to be abbreviated as “NIRJ” in citations.

Nkumba University launched this First Issue of the First Volume of a new international journal on 16th July 2021. It has been baptized “Nkumba International Research Journal” and it is to be abbreviated as “NIRJ” in citations.
This initiative is in recognition of the fact that journal articles, in academic life, are the final output of most research. A researcher’s performance and productivity are judged largely on the number of publications, leading to the adage: “either you publish or you perish”. It is through publications that research findings are disseminated to others in a particular discourse. Journals are known to offer a wide selection of scholarly articles that can be used for understanding the progress of knowledge in a research field and for developing ideas for further research. Nkumba University is, therefore, committed to enhancing the reputation of the NIRJ through accepting quality manuscripts, selecting reputable reviewers, and having an experienced calibre of the Editorial Board and Editorial Team to increase the visibility and credibility of the contributing researchers as well as their career opportunities.
The articles to be published in this research journal will be peer-reviewed and approved by experts in the respective fields to ensure the reliability of the resources for referencing and use by researchers, policymakers, and the general public. Prospective authors can send their original manuscripts via e-mail to the journal for peer review and possible publication. The NIRJ will expect article contributions from wide expertise such as Education, Humanities, Social sciences, Business, Law, Natural and Applied Sciences, Languages, Art and Design, Psychology and Security Studies. The journal will bring together expertise from universities and the wider civil society worldwide and facilitate communication and collaboration between researchers, practitioners, and educators. Manuscripts from authors are, therefore, welcome. Instructions to authors appear on the inside cover of the journal.
The frequency of publication of the journal will, until further notice, be biannual. Its functional focus will be on well researched and useful information, education on various issues of national and global importance, and guidance on the latest innovations and developments.
Prof. F.L. Orach-Meza
NIRJ, Nkumba University
P.O. Box 237, Entebbe, Uganda
T: +256 708 571 005
E: orachfl@nkumbauniversity.ac.ug